Book Review: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate by
Naomi Klein (Simon & Schuster 2014 – Kindle e-book edition)
This is a provocative and intelligently conveyed approach to
our energy/climate/environment dilemma. It is also wrought with arrogant,
judgmental, uncompromising, and condescending propaganda that leaves little
room for other approaches. Klein is a very eloquent and thorough journalist and
I agree with a variable amount of her overall assessments but I find her rather
militant approach self-defeating and overly prone to confirmation bias. She is
clearly a leader in the more leftist/progressive arm of the climate movement
and I am sure she is inspirational to many. One goal of the book is clearly to
demonize and blame fossil fuel interests and any who cooperate with them in any
way as the cause of all our woes. She and others like Bill McKibben have been
relentless and uncompromising in this approach. I will say of her what many of
the climate change denying politicians like to say of themselves – she is not a
scientist. Yet she seems to be quite sure of everything. She basically accuses
more moderate environmental groups like Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and
National Wildlife Federation (NWF) of being traitors and sell-outs for trying
(and often succeeding) to get things done through cooperating and collaborating
with business interests. She thinks that only a broad, vocal, and uncompromising
social movement can fix the climate issues. She strongly ties resource
extraction to colonialism, human rights violation, even to slavery. Many of
these characterizations are unfair to modern sentiments and likely deeply
insulting to businesses who see themselves as an overall benefit to society. Notice,
I used the word ‘uncompromising’ three times in the paragraph. That word seems
most descriptive to me of her approach and also the approach of those who want
to automatically ban everything that has risks, such as fracking and using
pipelines. She and others calling for the banning of fossil fuels and their
replacement by renewable energy in a short time are basically calling for the
most ambitious, expensive, and technically intensive project/experiment in
human history. To be uncompromising in such a vast venture is a bit
irresponsible and unreasonable.
Klein suggests that we are all living with some degree of
cognitive dissonance as we continue to apply a carbon footprint. Perhaps this
is true but it is still unclear to what degree our emissions affect climate.
She says lifestyle changes are not enough. We must instead go after the
industries that cause the emissions (albeit at our request, or demand). Again,
the question remains: How much of a crisis is climate change? She compares the
climate crisis to the crises of slavery, racial and sex discrimination, and
apartheid. I think this is unfair and misleading as those were pretty clear social
injustices rather than multi-variable possibilities based on complex scientific
models. Climate change is a crisis if we decide it is, she says, but science
does not really work like that. I do think it could be a potential crisis but
there are still uncertainties. She invokes every extreme weather event as
support but we all know there was extreme weather before the Industrial Age. In
her previous books and writings about the “Shock Doctrine” and disaster
capitalism she points out situations where disasters were used as money making
opportunities by corporations (another great evil) and governments (commonly an
accessory to evil). Of course, no one likes exploiters and such injustices
should be pointed out and eliminated. I do agree with her that privatization
has been overemphasized in recent decades and the value of public works has
been underemphasized. There are many different modeled scenarios of what could
happen if climate feedback loops accelerate and tipping points are crossed,
some more or less severe than others. She notes that climatologists and
glaciologists have been particularly concerned with ice melt accelerations and
tipping points. Many of us agree that we should act more to mitigate climate
change but the biggest policy split is perhaps not whether we should act or
not, the evidence is compelling enough that we should IMO, but to what degree.
Is a wartime effort with harsh economic sacrifices and demonization of all
fossil sources of energy necessary? I don’t think so. Many think fossil fuels,
particularly lighter and less emitting hydrocarbons like natural gas, can play
important roles in slowing emissions, as has been the case. She mentions the
fact that global emissions have increased since 2009 and the economic downturn
but she does not mention that U.S emissions have stabilized and even dropped
due to efficiency gains, fracking and replacing coal power plants with gas
power plants, and adding renewable energy. She sees the ideology of deregulated
capitalism as the main hurdle to climate change mitigation. True to a degree I
think. In one sense we all regulate our own energy use. In another sense we use
what is available. Hurdles to energy efficiency in the form of utility
monopolies is one example of the opposite – where regulation is favoring energy
wastage and disincentivizing by preventing energy from being sold by companies
other than the utilities. In terms of timing, it is true as she says that
serious consideration among scientists of climate change began at the end of
the 1980’s at nearly the same time as deregulated capitalism was being strongly
established. She thinks the momentums of both are counter so that climate
change policy was basically shelved – but one might also say that there was
still very much uncertainty then about the severity and implications of climate
change. She does make a good argument that free trade mostly benefited the
multinational corporations and that the promised trickle downs have been meager
to what was promoted. She says that gradual and incremental progress toward
emissions reductions are not enough and so unacceptable, yet she includes
several examples of such things as desirable and admirable like a Lakota man
who installs small-scale solar systems on the reservations.
Her argument is that it is capitalism, particularly free
market deregulated capitalism that threatens the planet. But underlying such
assumptions are the explosion in population and the desire of people to be free
from poverty. While free market deregulated capitalism certainly advantages the
corporation, there are pros and cons to that as many analysts say. She picks
out the flaws, which are certainly there, but ignores the benefits. One of her
arguments is that trade rules were enforced (by the WTO) while emissions
reduction commitments were on an honor system by country.
She attends a ‘climate change denier’ (a somewhat derogatory
but well-used term) conference put on by right-wing Heartland Institute. They
are easy to brush off with their conspiracies that climate change is a ploy to
check capitalism and redistribute wealth. But there are scientists at these
conferences as well, some climate scientists. The 97% argument is simply not
true. My guess is that about 70% of scientists agree with the IPCC assessments
on climate change, and some more than others. She notes that the ‘talking
points’ given in these conferences will flood forums and discussions around the
country and the web – not unlike the style of Fox news where views are learned
by continuous repetition of one main scenario. That allows the view to be
cemented and regurgitated close to verbatim. While it is true that many of
these ideological warriors and deniers of climate change lack credibility, they
are also a contrasting force against what is seen by many as a biased and
coercive liberal force for regulation. She is quite correct to note that
‘belief’ in climate change is well-divided along party lines in the U.S. She notes
evidence from social science analysis that people of egalitarian and social
justice backgrounds accept the climate science consensus while others of more
hierarchical and individualistic backgrounds can see it as a threat to their
belief systems such as capitalism, extractivism, and even among the more
extreme, religion, since climate is considered an act of God. Psychologists may
call it ‘confirmation bias’ where one tries to hold on to one’s belief system
by beefing it up with cherry-picked data while ignoring other data. This is
quite probably the case with many of these climate-change deniers. However, she
does not consider that among climate-change believers, the same can be true.
Some of the climate change activist media is among the most biased I have ever
seen, whose goal seems to be to beef up the official view at any cost. She
states in the book where she gets her climate news – and those are the sources
to which I am referring. They certainly have an official and inflexible agenda,
not unlike Fox News. It is true, however, that the far right-wingers, those who
portray climate change as a hoax perpetrated by liberals to redistribute
wealth, look the most ridiculous. Thus, it is easy to disregard them, as they
give a bad name to better informed scientists who are skeptical of climate
change policies.
Klein is a fan of the ‘global equity’ argument – that
countries who have emitted (and polluted) the longest owe the most and so must
allow other countries to pollute while cutting their pollution. While that is
sensible in some ways it is not really practical. She sees climate change as
the ultimate threat to conservatives, mainly as the ways to mitigate it seem to
require more socialistic policies. Certainly, there will eventually be more
backlash against unchecked capitalism if problems of economic disparity are not
addressed, since some of the profiteering has been to ridiculous levels.
Regulation is not at all a bad thing in some cases. The argument for regulation
vs. deregulation should not at all be ideological, as each situation is
different. To present social problems and try to solve them in terms of
ideology is quite outdated in my opinion. It is also easy for the Heartland
Institute people to criticize people like Al Gore (for his mansions) and Jim
Hansen (for his high speaking fees). They say that climate-change gives the
left leverage to do what they wanted anyway. So in this scenario we have
climate-change seemingly threatening the ideology of right-wing free market
capitalists and seemingly vindicating the ideology of regulation-minded
environmentalist liberals. Thus, I think that ideology, gets in the way of
evaluating and solving the problem. Klein would disagree. She sees this as the
way things are and (most disturbing to me) she criticizes the middle who
advocate more gradual and less disruptive responses to climate change. Her call
is clearly for war, particularly against fossil fuels interests. She criticizes
the ‘dark money’ funneling into climate denial groups but it is now well known
that similar dark money also flows to climate change activism and anti-fossil
fuel activism. She sees the deniers as protecting their worldviews as well as
their financial advantages. It is true that the ideological war is real, but to
be fair, any ideology is almost always at war with opposing ideologies. The way
out IMO is to disconnect from any ideology and be flexible. Klein accuses the
climate deniers of a lack of empathy as they mention some benefits of a warmer
world as she sees climate-change hurting indigenous and poor people more than
anyone. That may be correct as some models suggest and certainly there have
been problems in the past with the excesses of colonialism and extractivism but
that does not have to be the case in the future. She sees the corporate quest
for natural resources becoming more violent in the future, but I do not think
that is realistic at all. While businesses, countries, and scientists have
speculated about how climate change (and presumed increased frequency of
extreme weather) will affect them and us, no one really knows the future so to
depict these happenings with any certainty is not realistic.
Klein talks much
about ‘disaster denialism’ and ‘disaster capitalism’ (making a profit off of
disasters) but in another sense one can say she also makes money talking about
and analyzing such disasters and their implications. Sure, there will be some
profiteering but such should be exposed as such and kept to a minimum. After
Hurricane Sandy, some of her ideas about disaster capitalism were vindicated,
but some forms are perfectly fine such as paying more to rebuild with back-up
systems in vulnerable areas. That is just common sense. Another issue is the
direness of climate change. Many say that acting as soon as possible and deeply
to cut emissions is the only way to mitigate less than 2 degree Celsius warming
by mid-century. How potentially catastrophic is climate change in the
short-term and mid-term? There is much disagreement, even though, as she points
out, the World Bank, the International Energy Agency, the IPCC, and others
think it could very well be catastrophic. Klein goes on to show different ways
for climate-change activists to market their concerns to right-wing people,
playing on their biases. She derides potential climate-change mitigation
solutions like nuclear power and geoengineering that would seem to fit in more
with right-wing values of top-down corporate methods. She sees climate change
mitigation policy as a potential catalyst for social and economic justice. While
that could happen, I don’t think it should be bundled as such. Social and
economic justice are of course, very important, and warrant utmost attention.
Her ideals of sparking broad social movements based on anti-extraction
grassroots environmentalism are not without potential dangers. Revolutions are
rarely peaceful. While she and many others have praised revolutions like the
Arab Spring, there has also been quite a vast amount of suffering that
continues, that may not have occurred under the more repressive, yet more
socially controlled regimes. The mess in Syria is an example. Her seeming
praise of any movement counter to extractivism is a bit disturbing. She praises
revolutionaries in Nigeria who opposed the oppressive policies of Abachi, whose
regime supported oil extraction in the Niger Delta where many poor and
exploited people live. Their revolutions have killed many and wreaked environmental
destruction as people sabotaged pipelines and stole oil. Although the oil
companies were not without blame I find the justification of violence
unwarranted. I think her idea of mass populist movements will just spawn new
populist counter-movements like the Tea Party extremists. Her argument that
capitalism as an ideology is inherently anti-environment is not useful I think.
There are obvious benefits to society from capitalism. Throughout the book, of
course, she does not give a real alternative to capitalism. She does not
embrace socialism but seems to favor the social democracy of some European and
Scandinavian countries. She seems to admire the anarchist consensus approach of
protest movements like Occupy but that is unlikely to take off as a social
movement. She demonizes the profit motive and equates it wholly with a lack of
empathy but it is the basis of business success, or as it should be, one of its
foundations. Nowadays we can incorporate the values of social and environmental
justice into the capitalist model as well as check growth as the sole goal. We
can recognize and trim the excesses of ‘crony capitalism’ and reorient to a
more conscious capitalism. She talks about “life-saving climate action” but one
could also talk about “life-saving” capitalism, economic opportunity, and
access to technology that capitalism has wrought.
Klein reported on trade law amidst the globalism of the
1990’s and so has perspectives on it. She notes that renewable energy
subsidization in several countries (she notes China wind and Canada solar) have
come up against trade laws and lost since they would be considered a form of
‘protectionism’ in context of those laws. I agree that this needs to be amended
and that more subsidization of renewable energy should happen. While there is
expense, there are also multiple benefits that make it worthy. Encouraging
local industry in such projects generally should not be considered
protectionism but clearly some compromises need to be worked out here. While
these situations may be a failure of free trade rules as they stand, they are
not evidence of the overall failure of free trade. Most analysis suggests that
free trade has been a slight plus. In light of climate through increased energy
usage – mainly to transport goods long distances – it has perhaps been a slight
minus. She notes the manufacturing revolution in China and other low-cost
manufacturing countries as evidence of increased energy usage to make cheap
goods for our material culture. Fair enough – but many of those workers are no
doubt happy for a chance at relative prosperity. Renewable energy requires
subsidizing in most places in order to be economic compared to fossil fuels.
She goes through a case in Ontario where the government subsidization requirement
was that 40-60% of products for a large renewable energy project had to be
sourced within the province. The deal was blocked by trade rule courts (WTO)
and scrapped. She sees it as trade trumping climate and I agree. Global
subsidization of renewable energy and other pollution abatement, poverty
reduction, and quality of life projects, need to be able to work with local resources.
These issues perhaps should be seen as public works issues rather than free
market business, though it is unclear how to make such a system fair to
everyone. So it is clear enough, as economists and environmentalists have noted
that trade laws need to be amended to encourage deals that are in the global
public and local public interests. She does note interestingly that the new
trade laws arose after the fall of the Berlin wall as did the first climate
change inklings from Jim Hansen, who said in 1988 that he was 99% sure that
there was a warming trend and humans were part of the cause. The early
reductions agreements like the ones from Kyoto in 1997 paralleled new free
trade agreements, and it was not considered how one would affect the other.
More transport of goods over longer distances uses more fuel so localizing is
often a more sustainable option and this is another good argument against free
trade trumping local subsidizing. The World Bank, WTO, International Monetary
Fund (IMF), and other groups were set up to facilitate and monitor
international trade. Although there are certainly some obvious important
benefits to international trade, there is also the increased greenhouse gas
emissions. Trade and climate are certainly both global issues that require
global attention and careful watch. Klein cites global food trade ala NAFTA and
similar deals as a key emissions generator as “food-miles” increase. I think
that the trade groups and orgs and the climate groups and orgs need to
coordinate better. Klein compares trade and climate: countries are responsible
for the pollution and ghgs they emit from within their borders even if
manufacturing for the benefit of consumers elsewhere. She specifically notes
China as a manufacturer for the U.S. but nowadays global manufacturing is quite
established so altering it too drastically would be problematic. In this
“neoliberal era” as she calls it, emissions increased quite a bit (but so did
population and access to services like electricity). She sees cheap labor and
dirty energy as a package deal. Throughout this book she harps out the
contrasting terms dirty/clean, brown/green, exploiters/protectors, care/careless,
etc. etc. but often these issues are not so black and white. For example, cheap
labor can be seen as exploitative and/or as a welcome improvement over deep
poverty. One problem with China as a manufacturing hub is that it runs on coal
and pollution controls are not well implemented. Now Chinese cities are facing
dangerously poor air quality and smog. Clearly mistakes were made but now is
the time to move toward better conditions rather than harp on the evils of what
she perceives as ideological free-market fundamentalism. No ideology nor
anti-ideology will save us from errors, but we can probably do better. She ties
this back to the early Industrial Revolution when cheap labor and increased
pollution were coupled. Yes, capitalism itself is part of the “evil” that
threatens the planet. She does not use the term “evil” but in her verbose
condescending style all the villains seem to line-up: capitalism, extractivism,
corporatism, market-based solutions to problems – so in a real sense she
espouses an ideology as an anti-ideology. These are the very foundations of the
modern world. I do think that our economic models need to bend and better
accommodate social, environmental, economic fairness, and climate-change
mitigation values. She, however, seems to insist that the whole system be torn
down and restructured asap. She faults her “Big Green” groups which in this
case even includes Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for helping to
promote deals like NAFTA. She praises groups like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth,
and Sierra Club, and NRDC after they changed their attitude. Clearly, there is
a split in the environmental movements between the so-called centrists who
favor market-based approaches to problems and the more radical groups who favor
more regulation and other penalty approaches. She does offer some good
hindsight in ways things could have been done if climate and pollution were
taken into account more. She faults growth economies as the ultimate source of
emissions rises yet one may also tie growth economics to perpetually increasing
population. Her call for “managed degrowth” is further complicated by
population increase. Efficiency increases, more mindful and smart consumption,
smart grids, using the right kinds of energy in the right configurations as is
technically and economically available, distributed non-monopolized power
production, along with some improvements in abatement technologies and
regulatory framework can all help to lower emissions. Her and others’
uncompromising call for the dismantling of fossil fuel energy and the
infrastructure that supports it makes one wonder how it could be replaced
reliably and quickly with intermittent, inefficient, low-capacity, and
expensive wind and solar. Green capitalism and green tech will not be enough,
she insists, though it is unclear what will be. She seems to favor forced
reduced consumption by making energy very expensive. Certainly, things like
luxury taxes, promotion of income equality, and opportunity for all are
desirable but more than that would be required.
Next she praises and parades Germany’s renewable energy
efforts. Though a commendable effort, there are some problems with energy in
Germany. Costs are high and since nuclear is being taken out there are
increases in coal power (from poor quality high-emissions lignite) and the
rather shocking practice of importing trees from the U.S. southeast for
wood-burning power plants that as biomass are considered to be renewable
energy! Wood emissions are more carbon intensive and more toxic than coal and
could only be considered renewable on a long time scale as it may take 100
years for the carbon sequestration capability of the trees to be replaced. So
when people read about “renewable” energy in Germany this is often included! Some
suggest that a certain amount of pelletized wood is carbon neutral (dead wood,
branches, wood waste, and fast growing trees) but this is extremely unlikely on
the whole and recent evidence shows that much of the wood is from hardwood
forest trees. German emissions have actually increased in spite of the
renewables due to replacement of nuclear by more lignite power plants. On the
other hand, their adoption of government-subsidized community owned distributed
power through solar and wind projects may serve as a model for other countries
and show that it can be implemented on a larger scale without too much
disruption. She favors the German gradual return to publically-owned utilities
by buying them back from public corporations. Historically, particularly in
Europe, public ownership of energy has favored faster transitions to renewables
(including imported wood pellets as biomass). She seems to think that there is
no place for business interests in energy ownership – but it is business
interests that have built and maintained the infrastructure that powers the
whole world. She goes on to tout Stanford engineer Mark Jacobson’s blueprint
for a complete transition to renewables as early as 2030, a multi-trillion
dollar vague possibility. Perhaps they were unaware of such things as the new
Ivanpa solar thermal plant producing just over half of what it was expected to
produce and other capacity, intermittency, and retooling issues.
She goes on to praise ‘Occupy Sandy’ who genuinely helped
people out after Hurricane Sandy. Poor people do seem to suffer more risks of
serious damage in natural disasters as they are least likely to be prepared to weather
storms. She favors more governmental organizations devoted to disaster relief.
She sees the lack as part of the privatization that went along with the embrace
of free-market capitalism. It is still debatable whether the rate and severity
of disasters have increased but there is a fair case for it. Who will pay for the billions, maybe trillions
needed for disaster preparedness? Why the fossil fuel companies, of course, the
polluters. So they can pay for all this while being put out of business by
renewables? I am not sure how that could happen but I do know that companies
can’t exist if they are not profitable. She touts the large profits of ‘Big Oil’
like Exxon – but really there are only a few companies near that big and
profitable – and now they are losing billions in the recent oil price crash so that
Saudi Arabia can gain back a bit of its market share. She compares fossil fuel
use to smoking as if there is a choice and fossil fuel companies are peddling a
known poisonous product that addicts us. It is a rather poor argument I think –
another negative association. She gives a list of how things could be funded
through carbon taxes and other measures that punish fossil fuel companies. The
basic idea is to make fossil fuels so unprofitable that renewable energy will
be easier to implement by necessity. It is pretty much asking fossil fuel
companies to dig their own graves and hoping they will finish before they die!
She advocates the necessity of wartime austerity and rationing asap in order to
fund complete transition to renewable energy right now. Rationing is not so
popular in the American mind as President Carter’s speech about rationing
energy and notions of carbon footprints revealed. She talks about fairness for
all in rationing. Stories of private jets filling resorts where climate talks
take place don’t help. She does note that the public has been supportive of
Obama’s 2014 Power Plant emission rules and I hope this is true for they are
useful guidelines that can really help and do seem fair overall. The same could
be said about new rules for ground level ozone and methane emissions from the
oil and gas sector. Most seem to be OK with both, even many in the oil and gas
industry, even though officially they will complain and the more vocal groups
like Chamber of Commerce and the right wing groups will fight furiously. I
think people would be willing to sacrifice (basically pay more for energy) if
there is great certainty that what they are doing is really necessary. But do
we really know how necessary? Many would invoke the Precautionary Principle and
that offers some ‘just in case’ insurance but also rebalances economics in
favor of those who do nothing. She seems to suggest that people around the
world are perfectly willing to sacrifice to mitigate climate change but only
the politicians and corporations are not. “Polluter pays” is the solution she
puts forth but in order to stay in business the “polluters” would have to pass much
of the cost on to the public. Nobody wants to be “phased out” and certainly
nobody wants to be forced to pay to phase themselves out by paying their
Throughout the book Klein rattles on in a seemingly feigned
emotional context about the harm fossil fuel interests are inflicting on the planet
and all the pure good that activists do – real radical activists, not fake activists
who work with the enemy. The Canadian tar sands and one of its outlets, the
Keystone XL pipeline are an easy target and I agree that they are too carbon
intensive, that there are more benign sources of oil to tap. Of course, that
does mean giving financial support to autocratic regimes like Saudi Arabia, the
top financier of terrorism whose human rights abuses can be quite similar to
those of the Islamic State (ISIS). She goes on to say that Obama’s power plant
emissions reductions were too timid. We can only hope they will remain, rather
than demanding that they be increased. I agree with her that we should not rely
on technological advancement like the Heartland Institute people suggest.
Next chapter is called ‘Planning and Banning.’ Next she goes
on to fault Obama for not using the stimulus money for climate change
mitigation and to restructure society. Instead of climate mitigation he focused
on health care in his first term. Public transit, smart grids, and electric
cars would have been useful but there were perhaps more immediate concerns. There
was much funding for wind and solar energy included which really didn’t make
much of a dent. Now we have $75,000 Teslas – not exactly a working man’s price.
Her scenarios involve things like worker-owned collectives and investment in
low-carbon infrastructure – both good ideas. She blames fear of communism and
belief in the power of corporations for his failure to transform the world
coming out of the economic downturn of 2008. She says free-market idealists
equate industrial planning to communism (as in Stalin’s five-year plans).
Industrial planning and public works have been proven to be useful and should
not be maligned as government control mechanisms or communist plots. She goes
on to tout fixing infrastructure, greening energy, and distributed and
community grids – all good ideas but all needing government subsidies.
I disagree with her lumping of modern natural gas extraction
as a form of extreme extraction on par with Canadian tar sands and Appalachian
mountaintop removal. While modern gas and oil extraction may be prone to occasional
accidents like blowouts, explosions, and spills, which can be quite damaging,
the positive climate and pollution benefits relative to coal are real and quite
significant. There is also the argument that cheap natural gas keeps renewable
energy from being developed. In one sense this is true but in another, since
American families, from the shale gas revolution, are saving enough in 5 or 10
years for a small rooftop solar system, then one could also say that the
situation is economically equivalent, just that high gas and oil prices are not
forcing renewable parity with fossil fuels at the public’s expense. That is one
reason some argue for a high carbon tax – high enough to bring the cost of
fossil fuels up to the level of renewables. If one’s electric and gas bills
tripled or quadrupled then getting solar panels would seem more feasible. She
actually advocates public takeover of natural gas so that it can be put to use
as the logical and necessary assistant to renewables (presumably for baseload
capacity). She does not understand how exploration and innovation have worked
in these industries to make such comments. She also touts the few studies by
anti-fracking activists that also happen to be scientists about fugitive
methane emissions from oil and gas systems – those that have been thoroughly
discredited by many other studies, including current large direct ongoing
studies by EPA and EDF and the University of Texas that have shown low methane
emissions – far less than the discredited studies. Unfortunately, the
anti-fracking movement has continued to only select certain studies, most often
refuted and/or discredited, that support their cause and avoid other ones. This
selective media feeding is a big problem with groups that have agendas,
whatever they may be. She shows her ignorance, as many have, when she says that
fracked gas has higher methane emissions than conventional gas. There is no
difference in terms of infrastructure and methodology of gas flow. Shale gas
was the main culprit in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to 1992 levels,
not to mention the vast improvement in air quality due to it replacing coal.
She criticizes as fake, well-meaning efforts like the Center for Sustainable
Shale Development, another collaboration between environmental groups,
including EDF, and corporations, to develop best practices and standards.
Some decentralized control over energy can be a good idea in
some local markets – as Germany has proved, but the scale of investment and the
energy needed would be very expensive. The innovation of the energy
entrepreneurs has proven valuable for technological breakthroughs. It is
unclear that they could be sustained without business incentives of some sort. It
is fairly easy to fault fossil fuel development by focusing on the increase in
accidents that go along with the increase of energy produced to be utilized by
increased demand from an increasing population. Deepwater offshore drilling has
more dangers than shallower water drilling as the BP disaster showed. There are
a few extra dangers of energy from fracking compared to conventional drilling,
such as more wastewater to handle. However, there are some environmental
advantages to horizontal drilling and fracking over conventional drilling: more
hydrocarbons can be accessed from smaller land footprints, infrastructure can
be shared to some extent, and hydrocarbons can be extracted more efficiently.
Large deep water and tar sands projects require decades to become economic and
so the problem of avoiding stranded assets can become an issue if projects are
abandoned. However, some climate models do declare that significant fossil fuel
assets, in terms of possible, probable, and proved reserves, would have to be
stranded in order to keep temperature increases below 2 deg Celsius. She
equates fossil fuel lobbying to bribery and it probably could be seen that way,
but for any lobbying really, if money is involved. I do think such lobbying
should be curbed. She refers to business interests: fossil fuels, medical, gun,
and financial lobbies as perverters of politics. However, there are some sound
reasons to reduce some regulations on these factions. I agree that “special
interests” influence on politics needs to be addressed and one can see it as a
form of corporate corruption. Corruption is a problem in many ways and scales
around the world and this is one of them. However, having an opinion that
differs from Klein’s and her more radical ilk, is not the same as corruption,
as she seems to suggest.
Over-regulation and favoring businesses based on
“perceived” pollution/emissions could also be seen as a form of corruption,
especially if those perceptions turn out to be incorrect. Groups like the IPCC
have been strongly politicized – they are not just scientists as they may seem
– but also politicians, journalists, and policy wonks. The call for “System
Change, Not Climate Change” is a fair one but also a daunting one that best
engages all parties. Personally, I am not comfortable putting the world into
the hands of Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and – however noble some of
their goals may be. Klein’s advocating of revolution in terms of a broad but
uncompromising social movement seems pretty messy to me. Clearly, her approach
is one that seeks to define enemies and crush them. It is not a collaborative
approach but a confrontational one. To her, extracting natural resources is a
kind of evil – relating to the earth with violence – as she states it. That is
rather irreverent to those who worked for our technology-based world. Her fire
and brimstone sermoning resembles that of an apocalyptic preacher who presents
a well-defined good vs. evil scenario. I predict many people will embrace her
approach emphatically but I think it is flawed.
Next comes the historical beginning of the
extractivist/colonialist mindset which she traces to Francis Bacon. There were
many new discoveries at the time and they had to be organized and analyzed
somewhat in secret from the Church so groups like the Royal Society did such.
Bacon put out writings emphasizing that nature was to be conquered and exploited
but in those days that could be quite in line with the Church doctrine of
dominion over nature. Inventions like the steam engine powered the industrial
revolution with fossil fuels. The market economy rose with the fossil fuel
economy – economies require energy. It is quite unfair to blame early users of
fossil fuels as ignoring effects on the climate as such effects were not known
– yet she seems to do just that. Certainly, the effects of coal pollution could
not be ignored and should not be ignored today because they literally kill many
people. She seems to prefer demonizing people like Bacon and James Watt as
creators of doom. Certainly, there is much benefit and detriment that came from
the Industrial Revolution – ailments from pollution but also longer lifespans
from reduced overall labor and medical advancements from technology,
sanitation, and refrigeration provided by fossil fuels. She does note that
early socialist movements and countries also had pollution problems and
worker’s rights difficulties. She sees the social democracies of Scandinavia as
bright spots and maybe so but they are small countries with small populations
and specific features like abundant hydropower and layouts amenable to group
heating but they are extractors too. She seems to like the South American
people-oriented leaders, some who are really tyrants in disguise – just because
they dislike fossil fuel interests, although she berates them for the
extractivism that they so. It is quite
true as she suggests that many countries are overly dependent on extractivist
economies – Venezuela, Nigeria, etc.
She notes that the earliest environmental movement, that of
John Muir and the conservationists, was successful due to quiet lobbying rather
than vociferous protesting and perhaps she is on to something there. Then came
Aldo Leopold’s “land ethic” and Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” and in 1972 a
book called the “Limits to Growth” which made more people aware that natural
resources are finite and we can’t keep growing forever. She sees the free
market/Neoliberal revival of the 1980s and 1990s as a reversal of such ideas.
This may well be but there are/were other issues such as bringing the rest of
the world out of poverty and equalizing development into the “modern” world.
Her chapter subtitled – The Disastrous Merger of Big
Business and Big Green – is probably the one that irks me the most as she seems
to see collaborators as traitors and I think that is quite unfair. For some
reason she thinks only “true” environmentalists can be fond of green solutions.
Nobody wants to destroy the earth. She berates the Nature Conservancy for
letting Mobil drill wells on some of their land and EDF for collaborating with
business interests, but groups like EDF have gotten way more done than the
radical groups. I think there is a role for radical groups as a kind of force
to keep things in check and to put things in the public eye but such actions
can be overdone and overly focus on the wrong issues especially if they do not
utilize accurate information. Any donations from fossil fuel interests,
including utilities, to green groups is automatically seen as bribery. If one
sees things as a war this is treason but if one sees it as negotiation,
collaboration, and co-education, it can be useful. She only praises biased
groups like Food & Water Watch. She talks down about “reform
environmentalism” that is not based on people protest but on engaging “experts
in the scientific, legal, and economic communities. I think engaging such
experts is a very good idea, much better than having common people under the
influence of biased journalism with uncompromising militant-esque views and
tactics. I don’t like how she accuses people who work with fossil fuels
interests in any way as being corrupt. Fossil fuel companies are big companies
with highly educated and technical people. Certainly there are anti-green
people and factions within them as well as in any companies or in government
but there are also pro-green people and factions. She sees what she calls
“top-down” environmentalism as a failure and our only hope being a “bottom-up”
approach demanded by large groups of people.
As she notes the U.S. environmental “victories” in the
1970’s such as the Clean Water Act can be seen as a golden age of environmental
law. These successes did improve our environment, no doubt about it. China and
India are perhaps due for such rules. Reagan was especially hard on
environmentalists and his policies perhaps turned back much of their momentum
and led them to work more with the capitalist powers-that-be than before. She
tries to make it as if money and politics forced environmentalists to split up
into true warrior radicals (the real ones according to her) and collaborators. She
especially seems to despise Fred Krupp and EDF. EDF ran the acid rain cap and
trade system in the late 80’s that successfully reduced sulfur dioxide
emissions from power plants. She complains that it was not a flat demanded
reduction across the board, which would have been better, but a system of
trading where overall reduction was the goal but with a ratcheting cap that
went down over time. It was successful but perhaps not as painful to the
polluters as some wanted.
Pollution trading through cap-and-trade systems has had
variable success. The system devised by the European Union in cahoots with the
U.N. was filled with problems that could have been avoided and corrected
earlier than they were. Some difficulties in such systems include allocation of
pollution allowances, evaluation of whether allowances for some things should
be allotted or not, and how much to back the system with regulations. She gives
the example that oil companies working in Nigeria wanted to be paid for
discontinuing flaring gas in the oil fields. In such cases, especially with
today’s technology, banning most flaring, is reasonable. Apparently, in the
EU/UN system there were quite a few questionable assessments and allocations
where some people and companies profited unfairly from the carbon market as she
points out in some obvious cases. Carbon offset trading needs to be more
closely monitored for fraud. Much of these problems were eventually rooted out
but not fast enough. As newer carbon markets in states like California, regions
of the U.S., and many local areas show, such abuses and misallocations were
likely just part of the learning curve combined with poor management. Most of
the newer markets have been deemed fair and functional. She notes that the
economic slowdown reduced emissions and so there was an excess of carbon
credits in the EU system and so no incentive to reduce emissions. This can also
be seen as a design fault in that the market designed to incentivize emissions
reduction was not design to withstand such a market fluctuation as the downturn
caused. She goes on to deride the US carbon trading system devised by USCAP
which consisted of environmental groups, utilities, and affiliated energy
industries. The bill did not pass and it is unlikely the U.S will adopt carbon
trading real soon. She thinks it would not have worked anyway. Obama’s new
power plant rule and ground-level ozone reduction are other measures that may
help if not somehow blocked by Congress. Clearly the solution to emissions
reductions is not the market alone, nor regulations alone, but a careful
combination of the two.
The section on green billionaires is easy to agree with as
it notes the questionable intentions of new green converts like Richard Branson
who owns a carbon intensive airline. He has offered money to those who would
develop technologies to mitigate carbon emissions through his Earth Challenge.
I agree with Klein that we should not really rely much on technology to save
us. Of course, we can’t rule it out completely. She covers Warren Buffet, Tom
Steyer, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, T. Boone Pickens, and others, with
variable judgments of them. People do develop a sort of climate guilt related
to their carbon footprint and that of the companies and industries they work in
or represent. It is perhaps a strange moral psychology at work. We should not
discourage or overly criticize such efforts at redemption as they may yield
useful fruit but we certainly should not rely on them either.
Next she describes a weekend at a geoengineering conference
put on by the Royal Society in the U.K. (Of course she eventually ties the
society back to its inspirer – Francis Bacon). I generally agree with her that
we should not rely on geoengineering to save us as some suggest and that much
could go wrong with such tinkering. However, there may be some benign and
inexpensive methods that could be employed such as olivine exposure. Planting
trees could be seen as a benign form of geoengineering so one should not get too
caught up in the terminology. She goes through sun-dimming, or solar radiation
management (SRM - adding aerosols to the upper atmosphere) and mitigating ocean
acidification with iron. She notes the taboo against geoengineering that may be
based on the dangers of weather modification that have been done for
militaristic purposes. One concern about adding aerosols to the atmosphere,
like volcanoes do, is that it could disrupt weather, specifically, needed
monsoons in SE Asia and Africa. She plays up scenarios where desperate attempts
at geoengineering to save crops in a wealthy country, for example, would
negatively affect a poor country. Her idea of the “shock doctrine” is that in
crisis situations more extreme options become more viable and fairness to
others is sacrificed. Her sensible preference is to try Plan A (reduce
emissions) before resorting to Plan B (geoengineering). She also notes that surveys have shown that
the public strongly distrusts geoengineering (likely relating to the taboo
mentioned above).
Next we come to strategy in the chapter titled – Blockadia.
Here is another method to which I generally don’t agree though it may be useful
in some situations. If there are very clear reasons and enough public support
for such actions then they will work. But if gathering the public support
happens through deceptive biased journalism posing as science then they will
probably not work, or at least should not. She sees people sharing with one
another in comradeship and fellowship as they fight the common enemy –
extractors of raw materials. Of course, solar and wind power, increased on the
vast multi-trillion dollar scale recommended will also involve drastic
increases in extraction of materials for solar and wind farms. Silica mines (sand
mines), rare earth minerals mines, petrochemicals for materials requirements,
cement and steel materials from mines and quarries, and more toxic waste from
those industries would increase. Her blockadia is a confrontational approach
that could potentially attract over-the-top radicals aimed at destruction which
happens on occasion. Sabotage can grade into property destruction and danger. She
advocates for a new “contagious fighting spirit.” She sees the non-negotiable
demands of extreme extraction protestors as examples of moral clarity. She
especially seems to like and has worked to inspire various tribal First Nations
protest against fossil fuel interests in Canada and beyond. She does note and I
agree that people in places like cities in China that have poor air quality
will eventually get fed up with it if nothing is done. They are scrambling now
to prevent it. The tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline as well as
mountaintop removal coal mining are terribly destructive, carbon intensive, and
pollution intensive. In contrast, shale gas, has improved air quality and
reduced emissions compared to coal. Gas power plants are more efficient than
coal, can be built faster, use less water, and the carbon from them can be more
readily sequestered. The water contamination, radioactivity, earthquakes caused
by overpressured injection wells near fault lines, and spills and accidents
associated with fracking are rarer and likely less damaging than the press
makes out. The air contamination is likely acceptable although further improvements
should be sought. The health impacts,
like those cited for banning fracking in New York State have been especially
blown out of proportion. In virtually every study, every negative effect could
attributed to other factors. She actually praises semi-violent revolutionaries
in Nigeria that have taken over oil installations (hundreds were killed) and
demanded ransoms and reparations. While the old militaristic government there
who profited from oil exploration did commit atrocities one should not condone
militaristic takeover of people conducting legitimate (according to the rules
of that country) business. She talks a lot about “sacrifice zones,” usually
poor people in the way of extractive and resources industries. She also talks
about indigenous peoples having “rights” to their vast tracts of traditional
lands. That is not an easy issue sometimes as there are over seven billion
people who need heat, cooling, light, refrigeration, and energy provided by raw
materials. It may depend somewhat on old treaties in Canada but such rules can
be re-negotiated or re-interpreted in more modern times. Oil by rail increased
from about 9000 rail cars per year in 2008 to 400,000 rail cars per year in
2013 with a few accidents and one terrible deadly one in Quebec. More transport
means more chance for accidents. It is well-known that pipelines are safer. New
rules for building rail cars, some re-routing, better railroad rules, and
required testing of oil flammability before transport should help reduce such
accidents. Extreme extraction is the enemy that has galvanized the progressive
environmental movement. I totally agree with her that the U.S. coal industry
needs to downsize rather than sell coal to Europe and Asia. Another issue of
importance are the refineries located near to where people live and
contributing to poor air quality. She is also correct that lax corporate
attitudes toward fixing known problems with pipelines, extracting operations,
and chemical storage have led directly to unnecessary disasters. Such companies
should be held accountable. Industrial self-regulation is only possible if
everyone participates and fixes known problems in a timely manner. Safety
culture is of utmost importance to any industry where there are risks. Oil
companies have poor reputations among the public for these reasons and along
with perceptions of corporate greed among many types of companies leads people
to distrust them.
She sees local people as ‘rooted’ and having a sense of
place and fossil fuel interests as transitory, looking for the next resource,
although quite a few companies are in an area for many decades employing local
people and contributing quite a bit to local institutions.
She praises the recent fossil fuel divestment movement that
is taking place among universities, companies, cities, and more recently
philanthropists like the Rockefellers who made their fortune from fossil fuels.
This started as divestment from coal to quell mountaintop removal but groups
like extended it to oil and gas as well. Bill McKibben and Jim Hansen talk
much about fossil fuel that must be left in the ground. Reserves are already
captured so we must abandon new ones. The problem with that scenario is that we
must pay countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela for their
found reserves instead of developing other sources. In that sense, one could
even suggest that they advocate financing terrorism, oligarchy, Russian
expansionism, and anti-Americanism! Another problem with that scenario is that
natural gas the nation’s primary heat source basically functions through more
local markets with reserves that are tapped due to fluctuating supply and
demand. Sure, we could import gas from Russia, Canada, the Middle East and
other places but that is not feasible nor reasonable. Over 75% of gas in the
U.S is fracked gas and the amount is growing. If fracking were banned, the
price of gas would likely triple or quadruple and conventional drilling would
boom for a long time just to try and keep up with demand. It would help a
transition to renewables but at a very high cost to consumers. People would
have to replace their gas furnaces, stoves, and water heaters for electric ones
so demand for electricity would rise and with limited natural gas the utilities
would be forced to return to coal and emissions would go through the roof. It
is just not practical in the short-term. If the Saudi’s cut oil supply, then we
would have to build more electric cars to basically run on coal as wind and
solar could not ramp up nearly fast enough. Trillions would be spent and
emissions would rise in the meantime. A move to the use of lighter hydrocarbons
would be much more feasible in the short term – cleaner-burning natural gas
vehicles, ships, trains, and other heavy equipment and replacement of coal
power with gas. That should lower emissions considerably while renewables,
smart grids, distributed grids, combined heat and power, public transit, and
energy efficiency measures are gradually ramped up in a carefully planned
manner. It is a saner move that would also cost money – but billions instead of
trillions. Klein and McKibben are not only declaring war on corporations but
also on governments as collaborators with the enemy. Their climate movement in
some ways resembles the anarchic protest democracy of the Occupy Movement who
may have had some good ideas (especially outing the issue of income disparity)
but no real detailed alternative plans. Reinvigorating the political power of
local groups is not really a bad idea but it has to be integrated with the
needs and rights of counties, states and the fed.
She devotes a chapter to indigenous rights and treaties.
Each case is generally different and there are different ways to see the
various issues. It is likely that there have been many treaty violations by
governments in cahoots with natural resources extractors such as loggers,
drilling, and mining companies. She clearly wants to associate her anti-fossil
fuel agenda with indigenous rights as that would add power and a sense of
justice to it but it is also true that many groups of indigenous peoples benefit
from resources leases and some work in those industries. She goes through some
well-known cases: Ecuador, Nigeria, and the Canadian tar sands, pipeline
projects, many coal projects, and fracking which was banned in New Brunswick.
She sees younger indigenous people as a new generation of warriors in the war
against fossil fuels.
She talks about climate debt, the idea that the countries
responsible for the Industrial Revolution made the most emissions so they owe
the rest of the world. I am not sure I like the idea for one because no one was
really aware of this until the late 1980’s except in the case of pollution,
which was considered an unpleasant side effect of progress. She presents people
who lease to drillers and miners as doing so unwillingly, being desperate for
the money but that is often not the case. She notes the cool story of the town
in Kansas that was destroyed by a tornado and the town was rebuilt on a
sustainability model with efficiency, passive solar, and renewables.
She talks about India, China, and the Global South (SE Asia,
Africa, equatorial places where large populations live). They are developing
fast and emissions are rising. Many of these people could benefit from
renewable energy and small-scale solar is more applicable in many of those
places that are rural. The recent agreements between Obama and China and his
recent trip to India are encouraging. Of course, Obama, and his energy and interior
secretaries and the head of the EPA all favor natural gas as a bridge fuel.
Again I think her depiction of the Industrial Revolution,
and particularly the coal that fueled it, as also being what fueled the North
American slave trade, is a practice in negative association, something she does
throughout the book. While the Industrial Revolution was wrought with many
injustices trying to use them in modern arguments about resource extraction
seems out of place and presumptuous. She talks about global funds to help
renewable projects and public social projects. Taxpayers should not pay for
them but corporations, particularly fossil fuel corporations, she says. Her
equation of the climate movement (as she sees it) as equivalent to less
uncertain justice movements like the civil rights movement and South African
apartheid is over the top. She directly equates heading an oil company that
denies climate science to a “heinous moral crime.” Of course, she ties her
version of the climate movement to all that is good: human rights, reproductive
rights, income equality, etc.
She talks about experiencing ecological despair, which
apparently is a psychological thing some people may experience. However, I have
heard many such claims and tend to distrust them. In my opinion it is not
unlike the nocebo effect, where someone believes that something is harming them
and so develops symptoms. This is what I suspect occurs in the anecdotal health
problem stories that came about from local fracking (but curiously never from
previous local conventional hydrocarbon production) and so-called wind turbine
syndrome. It is certainly true that we need to know as much as we can about
potential environmental harms to ourselves and avoid them. Sometimes there is
uncertainty. She notes the recent study about a slightly greater percentage of
birth defects near oil and gas wells but the study was quite vague and there
could have been many other reasons for the slight difference. We should all be
reminded that correlation does not imply causation – unless perhaps one wants
to fuel their political agenda. However, the studies around refineries, especially
the ones near high populations, where there are far more toxins and emissions
released are on better footing.
One thing I do like about her approach is the needed
changing of the “extrativist mindset,” of “taking without care taking.” I do
agree that natural resources industries need to take more pride in the care
taking part and many certainly do. Every spill or accident is not due to
neglect but some are. Her faction of more direct action protest
environmentalism is probably here to stay but I do not think it should be the
dominant force. It needs to be checked by more moderate forces. It is a resistance
movement and one that has had and will continue to have an effect. It also a
movement that fossil fuel interests can’t really ignore or brush off. Some sort
of conflict resolution is preferable to war in most situations and this one
too. If resolution is to be achieved the activists need to tone down the biased
rhetoric and the corporate interests need to be willing to compromise and be
more accountable and transparent. She sees populist movements being the key to
change. I like a model where collaboration (like the ones the green groups that
she despises do) as a better key especially with the support of more
intelligent and tech savy and less loud populist movements. It is no easy task
to change the world for the better and try to be fair about it. Fossil fuel
extraction is wrought with risk and potential safety and environmental hazards.
There are great rewards with those risks and there should also be greater
responsibility. I do not believe that 100% renewables is as easily within reach
as some of the super-optimistic assessments suggest. But we can certainly move
in that direction.
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